the quality of traditional craftsmanship

goodyear bespoke shoes

Price from 45 000 CZK

Cena od 40 000 Kč


The shoes are sewn with the traditional goodyear welted shoes technology. The same way, shoemakers were used to do it in the times of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

Highest quality

The work on hand-sewn welted shoes is lengthy and demanding, but guarantees the highest quality of workmanship with attention to detail and precision. This makes the shoes (with proper and regular care) almost everlasting.


First, we make leather test shoes in the cut of the final shoes. This gives the customer a visual idea of what the final shoes will look like. The final shoes include a pair of cedar trees and a quality cream for proper care.

Life is waiting for our dreams to become reality.

Victor Hugo

For all good things in life, we have to wait. Bespoke shoes manufacturing is no exception. It is a time and craft intensive process. The vast majority of the manufacturing process is done by hand. This is the only way to achieve the highest level of precision. It is thus necessary to expect that an order takes approximately 4 – 6 months from measurement according to workshop workload.

The usual steps



We will arrange an appointment with you, where we will measure your foot and fine-tune the shoe design. We usually take around CZK 5 000,- deposit to start the order. The rest is payable after the delivery of the shoes.



Based on the measurements, we will make your own lasts.


Test shoes

First, we’ll make the test shoes. We will use them to check if the lasts need any adjustments. Your future comfort is the priority.


Shoes production

When we are sure that lasts are perfect we commence the handmade production of the final shoes.



Finished shoes can be picked up at our workshop, or handed over in person or sent by courier.

Interested in bespoke goodyear welted shoes?